
Photos from my trip to Morocco to promote STEM Education for Women’s History Month, March 2019


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خلال زيارتها لمدينة فاس ، التقت كيتي هنري، بخريجي Space Camp و TechGirls لتبادل الأفكار والتعرف على تجاربهن في تلقين الروبوتيات والترميز. During her visit to Fez, American robotics trainer, Katie Henry, met our amazing TechGirls and Space Camp alumnae in Fez to exchange ideas and and learn about their experiences in bringing robotics and coding to their community. To learn more about the TechGirls and the Space Camp programs, visit our website https://ma.usembassy.gov/education-culture/exchanges-programs/youth-programs/ #MoonshotMorocco #7ta_7aja_Mab3ida

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